The past little while the weather has been rainy and cold, freezing cold. We avoided the snow and ice, but it has been too cold to go outside. Matthew was extremely happy to see the sun and go on our little walks. He even agreed to wear his Cookie Monster Hat, that Kathy so kindly gave us. Though he keeps trying to eat the cookies. I think he has even started to enjoy wearing hats.
Elizabeth has been doing well in school. To keep her involved, she joins the school on what is called a “healthy walk” that the kids all do after lunch. I used to have recces after lunch, but I guess that has changed to healthy walks. She has even started attending art with her class.
On Saturday and Sunday the children and I made sugar cookies with pink frosting for Valentine’s Day. We didn’t have heart cut outs so we settled for mainly stars and girls and boys. Matthew helped by making some star cookies, then eating as much cookie dough as he could stuff in his mouth before I noticed.
Cree has been back in the area for the past week. He is still training so he mostly comes home for food and sleep (when he can). From what he says, he is doing well. As usual, I don’t really have details, but the children and I just try to keep our routine working around Cree when necessary.
Baby Girl is doing well. Periodically she kicks out. I’m waiting for Matthew to be sitting on my lap when that happens. I think it will surprise him. I have told him about his little sister but I’m not sure he quite understands yet.
One more story and picture of my cute kids. On Sunday the two of them played with playdough on the kitchen table. Well Liz played with the playdough and Matthew tried to help her.
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