As Cree studied the first few chapters of the Book of Mormon, he began contemplating why it seemed the scriptures were written in story format for the most part. In each of the stories, there lay morals and teachings not unique to the players.
One of the earliest stories talks of how four young men returned to a city about to be destroyed to retrieve the scriptures. Two of them literally placed everything of themselves into their task, and two of them resented the first for it. Having the scriptures was important enough for them to risk life and limb. To them, the scriptures “were desirable… even of great worth [to] us” to be able to teach their children the commandments.
Another Testimony
Prophets and great world leaders alike tend to give the same advice: read. Cree read another account of a prophet giving the same advice to his youngest son in the very first chapter of the Book of Mormon. By studying, he was able to see and understand “great and marvelous” concepts.
Cree thought back to his time overseas, both in Europe and the Middle East. Both times, experiences that made no sense at the time turned out to be massive blessings.
Trust and a Humble Heart
Many people, Cree included, ask the question about the two older brothers in the beginning. Their unwillingness to do what’s asked of them turns into a massive culmination of people dying. So, what would have happened if they’d simply been left behind, and allowed to be destroyed with the City?
The answer to that question came when Cree finally became a parent of three. All three children possess a unique set of talents, skills, desires, and personality traits. Cree knew he didn’t love any of them any less, even though it felt so much harder to relate sometimes to one or the other.
All three children made it easier to understand why the younger brother always seemed to righteous. The humility of the youngest child made them much more susceptible to listening to the promptings of God. By accepting, and acting on those promptings, he allowed himself to open up to more direct revelations and counsel.
I Will Go And Do
The title of the week stood out to Cree as he reread the story of Nephi receiving a commandment.
“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”
1 Nephi 3:7
That means that every prompting from God comes with a way to accomplish it. In the case of Nephi, he thought he needed to give up all of his families worldly possessions. Though, he later realizes that all he needed to do was in fact go and do.
In the last week alone, Cree thought back to the promptings he’d received. Whether is was asking for a minitering assignment, or actually taking the time to speak with a friend who was falling out of love with the gospel, he’d tried to do it. Sometimes, the results were immediate. Other times, Cree could only hope that something he’d done would make an eventual difference.
Acting in Faith
Cree wondered how often he actually affected someone’s faith. Thinking back, his own father followed the examples of Nephi and Lehi often by sharing his paternal feelings of joy and inspiration with Cree. Unfortunately, Cree hadn’t always received those with an open heart.
Lessons Learned
Even Lehi, when he thought his sons had failed him, faltered a little. So he wasn’t perfect, but he still recognized when he needed to ask forgiveness. Maybe that’s it, recognizing when we need forgiveness and humility.
Things Done Well
- Following promptings whether they make sense at the time or not
- Taking the time to earnestly study the Book of Mormon
Things To Fix
- Recognize that what seem like trials may be lessons for my future
- Remember that my children need my love and guidance, not condemnation
Count Your Blessings
- Blessings in disguise that have kept me out of physical and spiritual harm while I’m away from home
- Three wonderful children with unique lessons to teach me as I try and teach them the gospel
- Parents who love me, even when they don’t approve of my choices
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