Lots of Changes

The time has flown by with lots of things happening. I’m sure I will miss few things but here is the update.

First, on May 28th in the morning we went to the local beach. It was a lot of fun. Liz loved feeling the water on her feet and hunting for treasures in the sand. Matthew was not as big of fan as the water but he loved playing in the sand and being out of the house. I really enjoyed seeing my children’s first time on the beach. Cree did great playing with both children as I was too pregnant to play a lot with them. I don’t have the pictures of the beach as they were taken on Cree’s phone.

For Christmas, Cree received an inflatable row boat. He has been wanting to try it out for months. Finally, we found a time and he took Matthew and Liz out on the river.

Cree came home from his May training on Monday May 23. He was not planning on coming back until Friday of that week, but was worried about a few contractions I had the previous day. He was able to work out to come home Monday, if I drove about an hour away to go get him. I’m glad he came back when he did as he was in time for Melody’s early birth. He was a great help with all three children after my c-section.

Cree gave a sweet blessing to Melody on June 12 at our home, since he would not be here to bless her if we waited until Fast Sunday.

We were able to see the ship that Cree would be on. I don’t envy his living quarters. It is a small room with 12 bunk beds in it. For obvious reasons we couldn’t actually see his work place.

Cree left for his deployment and will be missed my me and his children. He does have an address for letters and packages. Please let me know if you did not receive it.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on May 29th, 2016 after having contractions for several hours. Just after Cree and I went to bed on May 28th, I woke up with contractions. Cree started timing them and at about 2am we called a nurse, who recommended rest and water, since my contractions were varying around 15 minutes apart. A few hours later, my contractions had increased to the point that we felt it best to head in to the hospital. A very nice sister in our ward willingly watched Matthew and Elizabeth while we took off. After about 30 minutes of monitoring, they realized the baby was coming and since we had planned a c-section because Melody was breach, they rushed me off to surgery. Since this was a Sunday and a holiday weekend one of the doctors, who had just gotten off, very nicely turned around and came back in for the surgery. Everything went well and I have just been recuperating.

We have finally completed the process of an IEP for Elizabeth in this school. She will start on this IEP next school year. Liz finished school on June 14. She finished with 131 Reading Points and her report card was either at grade level or working well towards grade level. We have her working on a workbook to keep up with what she has learned and maybe, hopefully get ahead. Liz adores her new sister and is a great big sister. She loves to watch Melody.

Matthew has loved having  Dad home and loves that his grandparents are here. He is talking really well and majority of the time is quite understandable. He loves to be going places and doing things. He certainly keeps me on my toes and I have been grateful for the extra help. At first he ignored Melody’s existence, but slowly he has started talking to her and today he actually requested to hold her.

Melody joined our little clan on May 29th at 10:23am. She was 6 pounds and 11 ounces at 19 inches. She was born with a head of dark hair and big blue eyes. The eye color may change or it may just turn into another version of her Daddy’s eyes. I’m excited to see what it does. Since I had surgery Cree was the first to hold her and she wrapped him around her little pinkie. He had an ability to calm her that I will miss in the coming months. Melody has been a wonderful addition to the family.

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