Summer is passing by. In a few weeks school begins and another year will pass. So far the weather has contrived to hot and muggy. We have had some sort of rain or thunderstorm almost every afternoon. We had one severe storm that knocked down branches around my car. It was unharmed.
Cree is doing well. I have been blessed to have some communication with him. He has been to see Sicily, Ukraine, and Romania.
Liz has her 9th birthday this summer and had a fun time. Grandma and Grandpa Willyerd took her and Matthew to the beach. then she opened her presents. Liz says she had a fun day.
Liz starts 4th grade this month. She is very excited. She hopes that a friend from church will be in her class. If they are, my advice to the teacher would be to keep them separated in class, or they might talk the whole time.
Matthew is growing and growing. He talks all the time and is quite understandable. He loves to sing and dance. We are still working on his potty training. With all the changes this summer, it has been a little back and forth, but as we steady into a regular schedule this autumn, I’m sure he will pick it up quick.
Matthew is starting the toddler playgroup and the daycare for three mornings a week. This will help him with social interaction, and give me a little downtime.
Melody is getting big. She has kept her blue eyes and dark hair so far. though it may be my wishing, I think I have seen hints of red. She is 2 months old and may surprise us yet. She has started cooing at me and is quite adorable.
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