Seven Temples Together

Cree and Crystal began their relationship one month before Cree went through the temple for the first time in Mesa, Arizona. This, only after a month of being engaged. Ever since their wedding in the Mesa temple, the two of them always keep their eyes open for new opportunities to go.
I did forget to add the Pima, Arizona temple to this list… oh well, one to grow on.
Six Public Schools
- Twentynine Palms Elementary
- Pathfinder Academy
- Sequoia Charter School
- BITZ Intermediate
- Tucker Creek Middle School
- Kate Waller Barrett Elementary
Five Separate Surgeries

- Cesarean; Matthew was breach and extremely large, so Crystal had to be cut open to give birth.
- Brain Surgery; Matthew was born with a cyst in his brain, and needed a surgery at a month old to place a slit between the cyst and ventricle.
- Cesarean; Because of the already tender stomach, we decided it might be best to deliver Melody through a cesarean as well.
- Biopsy; After finding a lump, Cree went through a biopsy to ensure the lump was benign.
- Urology Repair; A badly planned training event cause several injuries, including crushing one of Cree’s organs; a simple procedure to fix.
Four Family Moves

The Marine Corps keeps us moving. Over the course of our first seven years together, we’d lived in five different cities, the Marines moving us four times.
Three Wonderful Children

They’re adorable, enough said.
Two Furry Therapists

One Long Deployment

Cree deployed to the Mediterranean for six months, visiting nine countries.
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